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A friend of mine invited me to a movie night at his house. I had recently bought a new pair of overalls and decided to wear them.

I arrived at my friend's house. They had ordered pizza and were about to watch a comedy. While sitting down on the couch, one of my overalls straps came undone and half of the bib fell down, exposing my chest.

My friend, who was sitting next to me, noticed the wardrobe malfunction. He nudged me and whispered, "Hey, your overalls strap came undone."

I looked down and saw my bib hanging loose. I felt a surge of embarrassment and quickly grabbed the strap and tried to fasten it to the bib. But the strap was too loose and kept slipping off the button.

My friend saw me struggling and offered to help. He took my undone strap and pulled it up, making it tighter. He then fastened it securely to the bib, making sure it wouldn't come undone again.

I thanked my friend and smiled sheepishly. I hoped no one else had seen my overalls mishap. I adjusted the bib and pulled my shirt down. I felt a bit flustered, but also grateful for my friend's assistance.

I decided to forget about the incident and focus on the movie. I leaned back on the couch and reached for a slice of pizza. I still loved wearing overalls. They were comfortable, practical, and stylish. And I had a friend who cared enough to help me fix them.

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