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File: 1673782021036.jpg -(2249526 B, 3088x2320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2249526 No.6459  

I love wearing Red Kap, though my fit is a bit loose I can fix that with putting a sweatshirt under it, I am thinking of getting a downsized one though. I love the flap closure of the bib pocket, I love the button fly and kind of prefer it to zipper fly, and I wear them out the most.

>> No.6460  
File: 1673782237752.jpg -(2576114 B, 3088x2320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I usually use the bib pocket to store my sketching stuff, though if I wanted to bring my sketchbook then I’d have to use a bag. For small items though it eliminates the need of a bag and I regularly use it when on bike rides.

I’m comfortable wearing my overalls around the neighborhood and on bike rides but still warming up to school.

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