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I changed my mind.

Nobody looks good in overalls. Nobody.

Case in point.

The only time you should ever put on a pair of overalls is if you're dressing up as a stupid hick farmer stereotype for Halloween - and even then, you won't look attractive, but at least you'll accomplish the goal of having a funny looking appearance.

Who designed overalls? They're like some weird crossbreed between 20 different types of clothing. Did the creator think to themselves "you know, I really like jeans, but I wish I had an annoying chest plate to go along with it, and some suspenders to make it snazzy"?

Overalls: the clothes you wear when you want to look like a little kid that doesn't know how to dress himself.

>> No.3468  

You can delete them self, use the password you put in your post and you can delete it.

>> No.3476  

I apologize for my last posts. I was frustrated and didn't mean what I said. I was trying to delete all of my "shirtless" overalls pictures, because I don't like them and they make me feel embarrassed. :(
Unfortunately, I didn't save the file deletion password when I posted my photos in these threads:
No. 3380
No. 3381
No. 3382
No. 3383
No. 3385
No. 3386
No. 3387
No. 3388
No. 3389
No. 3390

Thank you.

>> No.3480  

Again i changed my mind. I love dickies overalls. So the pictures can stay.

>> No.3482  

I deleted them, you or the fake you is right, they are pretty ugly. You need to shave your body hair ;-)

>> No.3484  

Thank you. No offense taken. :) I will keep wearing my bibs!

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